Photographer Alberto Montresor ★1

Europe / Italy /BELLUNO

People / Fashion / Beauty / Portrait

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Alberto Montresor

Taking a picture is recognizing yourself as a human being: man among men, atom among atoms.
The more he clicks the more he approaches that luminous essence that makes him an element of the whole.
Between negative and positive, night and day, light and dark, he walks without a break along known paths provoking unknown reactions.
He chases alchemies, elementary shreds of affinity that have fallen in to the indifferent magma of the ordinary: alone among most, distinct among many. Poet of light, wizard of shades, he catches the eternal state of wakefulness of his own dream: the immutable face of the revealed moment.
Inaccessible spirit of solid dolomia, inebriated of shape and movement, pours torrential frames arresting the arcane mystery of his roving wander.

Barbara Meletto for Alberto Montresor

male / 54